Transformation happens in small groups

Topical Small Groups

Our groups are generally 4-10 people who are experiencing similar life circumstances. Groups run 8-10 weeks and are hosted by a trained facilitator.

Groups primarily utilize curriculum from Living Free. Visit their website for detailed information about Living Free. Each group includes a specific topic with a corresponding workbook, that includes conversation prompts and action steps rooted in Biblical truths.

Groups can be co-ed or focused on men or women depending on the topic. Everything is confidential, what is said in group stays in group! You will be encouraged, but never forced, to participate and share.

Join the Core Team

We love to equip and empower passionate people who are called to pray, facilitate groups and plan/host community events! We are excited to grow our Core Team to more effectively reach every generation in Paulding County with the Gospel!

Visit our events page to see all of our current and upcoming groups and events.